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Above Ground System

Product List

Eneka Grease Separator

PUMP model is equipped with an autonomous program-controlled emptying system including a Disposal pump. When the maximum level of accumulated grease is reached, Grease Alarm activates the automatic disposal mode. First of all, the mixer is turned on for blending grease, water, and solid layers. Then the Disposal Pump is actuated for emptying of the separator. After complete disposal, the separator can be rinsed by freshwater which is filled through the Refilling unit, mixed, and emptied by the Disposal Pump. After rinsing, the separator is filled up completely with fresh water

Above Ground System

Eneka Grease Separator

The accumulated grease layer can be observed through the Inspection Window. After reaching the maximum level of grease the heavy-duty Disposal Pump is activated. The manual 3-way valve shall be consecutively switched to positions 1 and 2:
Pos.1 – Mixing: water with grease and sludge is extracted by the Disposal Pump from the bottom and delivered to the top of the separator. The pump with a vortex impeller is breaking the big contaminants into smaller pieces thus facilitating the disposal.
Pos.2 – Disposal: liquid is discharged by the Disposal Pump into the external tank. After complete disposal, the separator is filled up with freshwater via the Refilling Unit by opening the manual ball valve

Eneka Grease Separator

BASE model can be applied in areas where bad odour during maintenance will not cause any inconvenience. Access cover shall be opened for disposal of accumulated grease and solids by a vacuum truck.

Eneka Grease Separator

PRIMA model provides odour-free operation without the need for opening of the cover. The accumulated grease layer can be observed through the Inspection window. After reaching the maximum level of grease the contaminants are disposed of through the Extraction Pipe by a vacuum truck. After complete disposal, the separator is filled up with fresh water via the Refilling Unit by opening the manual ball valve.

Above Ground System

Eneka Grease Separator

MIX model is equipped with a Grease alarm is indicating when the maximum level of accumulated grease is reached. Before emptying, Mixer actuated for blending grease, water and solid layers thus facilitating the disposal of the separator. The Extraction Pipe is provided for the emptying by the vacuum truck. After complete disposal, the separator is filled up with fresh water via the Refilling Unit by opening the manual ball valve.

Above Ground System